Welcome to Mercer’s presentations on USS benefits

As a member or prospective member of USS, you have access to a series of interactive presentations about the benefits and options offered by USS.

What webinars are available to me?

Live webinar events

USS are giving you the opportunity to attend a live webinar event hosted by a pensions professional from Mercer where you will be able to ask questions about the information in the presentation. A webinar is an engaging online event where a speaker, or small group of speakers, deliver a presentation to a group of people to learn about a topic. Webinars allow participants to submit questions, respond to polls and use other available interactive tools.

Registering is easy (and free) – just click the link above for the session you want to attend, fill in your name and email address, and then you will be sent an email with further details and a calendar invitation.

Don’t worry if you register and then can’t attend. You can cancel your registration at any time, but you may wish to remain registered even if you can’t attend and then we will send you the post session information pack.

For any queries, please contact us at USSpresentations@mercer.com.